About Us

Welcome to the Northern District of New York Federal Court Bar Association!

The NDNY-FCBA was constituted to provide a forum to promote a more effective exchange of ideas between the practicing bar and the federal judiciary, and to provide educational and social programs for attorneys and court personnel.

Who We Are

The NDNY-FCBA is a bar association comprised of member attorneys admitted to practice law in the Northern District of New York. Our members run the gamut of federal practice (civil, criminal and bankruptcy law) across the District. Our members include Judges and employees of the Federal Judiciary, attorneys in private, public and government practice, in law firms, organizations and agencies of all sizes (including in-house corporate counsel, the U.S. Attorney’s office, NYS Attorney General’s office, Federal Public Defender’s office, and representatives from all three law schools within the District). 

What We Do

The NDNY-FCBA is the catalyst for communication between the federal bar and the bench, as well as the private and public sectors. Made up of 32 counties in Upstate New York, the association provides myriad ways to connect practitioners in its expansive area of service. We host Continuing Legal Education programs for attorneys (both in person and online), and provide social and educational opportunities for practitioners and law students in our District to expand their networks. Our meetings and social events are an excellent way for attorneys to get to know the Federal Court Judges in our District, and to make connections both in and outside of the Courthouse.