
Annual Dinner Committee

Zachary Oren, Esq.
City of Utica
1 Kennedy Plaza
Utica, NY 13502

CLE Committee

Mara D. Afzali, Esq.
Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC
One Lincoln Center
110 West Fayette Street
Syracuse, NY 13202

Amanda Kuryluk, Esq.
Assistant Attorney General of the State of New York
28 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10005

Criminal Practice Committee

Michael Barnett, Esq. 
Assistant US Attorney
Public Information Officer
Northern District of New York
445 Broadway, Room 218
Albany, NY 12207

Paul Evangelista, Esq.

First Assistant Defender for the Northern District of New York
54 State Street, Suite 310
Albany, New York 12207

Education and Public Outreach Subcommittee

Michael Langan, Esq. (CNY Chair)
Chambers of Honorable Glenn T. Suddaby
Federal Building, 100 South Clinton Street
Syracuse, NY 13261

First Decade Committee

Collin M. Carr, Esq. 
Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC
One Lincoln Center
110 West Fayette Street
Syracuse, NY 13202

Liza R. Magley, Esq.
Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC
One Lincoln Center
110 West Fayette Street
Syracuse, NY 13202

Julie Nociolo, Esq.
Jones Hacker Murphy, LLP
28 Second Street
Troy, NY 12180

Brenda Osorio, Esq.
Assistant Attorney General for the State of New York
Law Enforcement Misconduct Investigative Office
New York State Office of the Attorney General
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224

Historical, Duane & Baerman Committee

Doreen A. Simmons, Esq. 
Hancock Estabrook, LLP
1500 AXA Tower I
100 Madison Street
Syracuse, NY 13202

Suzanne O. Galbato, Esq.
Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC
One Lincoln Center
110 West Fayette Street
Syracuse, NY 13202

Honorable Frederick J. Scullin, Jr. Scholarship Committee

Adam J. Katz, Esq. (Cap Chair)
United States Attorney’s Office
445 Broadway, Room 218
Albany, NY 12207

Doreen A. Simmons, Esq. (CNY Chair)
Hancock Estabrook, LLP
1500 AXA Tower I
100 Madison Street
Syracuse, NY 13202

Information Technology Committee

John D. Cook, Esq. 
Barclay Damon, LLP
Barclay Damon Tower
125 East Jefferson Street
Syracuse, NY 13202

Zach Mattison, Esq. 

Sugarman Law Firm, LLP
211 West Jefferson Street
Syracuse, NY 13202

Local Rules and Federal Practice Committee

Michael Langan, Esq.
Chambers of Honorable Glenn T. Suddaby
U.S. District Court
Federal Building, 100 South Clinton Street
Syracuse, NY 13261

Zachary Oren, Esq.
City of Utica
1 Kennedy Plaza
Utica, NY 13502

Membership Committee and Public Relations

David Burch, Esq.
Barclay Damon, LLP
300 South State Street
Syracuse, NY 13202

Christopher V. Fenlon, Esq. 

Hinckley Allen
30 South Pearl Street, Suite 901
Albany, NY 12207-3492 

Nominations and By-Laws Committee

Adam J. Katz, Esq.
Assistant U.S. Attorney – Northern District of New York
445 Broadway, Room 218
Albany, NY 12207

Kimberly M. Zimmer, Esq.
Zimmer Law Office, PLLC
The University Building
120 East Washington Street
Suite 815
Syracuse, NY 13202

Pro Bono Committee

Benjamin Hill, Esq.
Capezza Hill
30 South Pearl Street, Suite P-110

Albany, NY 12207

Daniel S. L. Rubin, Esq.
Girvin & Ferlazzo, P.C.
20 Corporate Woods Blvd.
Albany, NY 12111