Notice of Continuing Legal Education Program
Law Day 2024 CLE for Outreach Volunteers
with Prof. Christopher Riano, President & CEO
Center for Civic Education
April 24, 2024, 9:30 to 10:30 am
Virtual Program
Course Description: This one-hour session will prepare attorneys who
have volunteered to participate in the United States District Court Law
Day outreach program to high school students in Syracuse, Utica, and
surrounding counties.
The Law Day 2024 theme, “Voices of Democracy,” will focus on the
fundamental principle that in democracies, the people rule. This theme
celebrates nearly 250 years of American history, where citizens have
expressed their political views and desires through speech and
participation in elections.
Detailed Agenda: 9:30 am to 10:30 am
1. What are the implications of the various Constitutional Amendments
that profoundly affected voting?
2. What is redistricting and how does it affect voting rights?
3. How did the Supreme Court case of Shelby County v Holder, 570 U.S.
529 affect the right of ethnic minority voters to vote?
4. How have Supreme Court cases had an impact on the right to vote?
CLE Credit: 1.0 Professional Practice
This CLE is free to all attorneys. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.
A Zoom link will be provided to all registrants, along with course materials,
approximately 24 hours before the program.
To volunteer to be a Law Day outreach volunteer, please email
[email protected]