Monday, August 24, 2020
Annual NDNY-FCBA Golf
Bellevue Country Club
12:00 p.m. Boxed Lunch
1:00 p.m. Shot-Gun Start
6:00 p.m. Cocktails & Dinner
Please join members of the Judiciary and Bar for a great day of golf at beautiful Bellevue Country Club in Syracuse. The event will include a boxed lunch, practice range, 18-holes of golf with cart, prizes, cocktail hour and dinner. The format will be a choice of Best Ball or Captain-and-Crew. The event is open to all attorneys, employees of attorneys, and the Federal and State Judiciary and federal court employees in the Northern District of New York. Due to COVID-19, the event will be limited to 12 foursomes (48 golfers) this year. Cost is $130 per golfer. Don’t play golf, but want to attend the cocktail hour? The drinks/food cost is $50. Please e-mail your registration info to Shelly Childers, Executive Director at [email protected]. Please mail all checks, payable to “NDNY-FCBA,” to: Shelly Childers, NDNY-FCBA, P.O. Box 7067, Syracuse, N.Y. 13261.
IMPORTANT: For each golfer, please include: NamE, firm/Office, Address, Telephone, E-Mail, dietary requests, and PREFERRED FORMAT (bEST bALL or cAPTAIN-AND-CREW; if the latter, submit your handicap).
covid-19 guidelines: Lunches will be boxed, grill will be open; one (1) golfer per cart; masks required when not golfing. Dining room will be limited to fifty (50) persons for dinner.
questions? e-mail [email protected].