By the time you receive this newsletter, you will be ready to welcome trick-or-treaters at your front door. Fall is well underway, which means we are preparing for our Annual Meeting and Dinner to be held in Albany on December 5, 2019 at Sixty State Place, a historic Beaux-Art former bank headquarters once known as a “temple of finance.” We hope to see you there. As in past years, a bus will be provided for those traveling from Syracuse and Utica. To reserve your seat, email Shelly Childers at [email protected].
The day will begin with a CLE in the jury room of the James T. Foley Courthouse in Albany. While you enjoy your lunch, the judges of the Northern District will headline a program, moderated by Michael Murphy, entitled “Effective Efficient and Ethical Practice in Federal Court: What the Judges Want You to Know.” Next, Tina Sciocchetti and the judges will tell civil practitioners what they need to know about criminal law. Regardless of your experience level, you are sure to learn something new – and CLE is free with your membership. Register today.
After the CLE, we will gather at Sixty State Place, a block from the courthouse, for our Annual Meeting. All members are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting for a summary of the Association’s accomplishments over the past year and to vote on our incoming board and officers, including the anticipated election of Kimberly M. Zimmer, Esq., as our 16th president. Kim is a well-known criminal defense attorney based in Syracuse. She has worked tirelessly for the Association for many years now and will take over the reins on January 1, 2020, when our new membership year begins. (For a more detailed description of Kim’s legal experience and contributions to FCBA, please see this article from our summer newsletter). I can’t wait to see where she leads us.
Immediately following the Annual Meeting we will adjourn to the “vault” of Sixty State Place for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. This is a great opportunity to mingle with your colleagues from across the District as well as our judges and Court personnel. You will also have an opportunity to meet this year’s Scullin Scholars: Megan Goss from Albany Law School, Ryan Thompson from Syracuse University, and Melissa J. Lin of Cornell Law School. The Scullin Scholars’ full biographies will be presented at the Annual Dinner, but suffice to say these are outstanding students with incredible resumes. They will be valuable additions to our bar. Please congratulate them.
At dinner, our keynote speaker will be Jack Casey, author and songwriter, who draws from his legal career and love of history to tell stories of people caught in conflict. Jack will provide us with a comedic take on Hamilton’s last visit to Albany. It’s sure to be an educational and humorous performance. We will also present the Baerman Award to a deserving honoree. As some of you may recall, FCBA created the Baerman Award in honor of our former Clerk of Court, Larry Baerman, to honor those who have demonstrated long-term, extraordinary dedication to the administration of justice in the Northern District. This year, the Award goes to …. I can’t give it away yet! You will have to attend to find out.
It is hard to believe my term as President is nearing its end. Over the past year, it has been my privilege to serve the Association, an honor to work with our judiciary and court staff, and a joy to get to know you better. I look forward to seeing you at the Annual Dinner, and to continue socializing and networking with you at social events, CLEs and Annual Dinners for years to come.